Let your eyes do the talking!
Also called Periorbital Melanosis, dark circles under the eyes or puffy eyes make you look tired when you are not. Treatment for dark circles involves treating the skin around your eyes with simple measures like the ones discussed below.
Nutritional deficiency: At The Skin Clinic we help recognize the underlying cause for under eye wrinkles- mainly iron deficiency, thyroid abnormalities, autoimmune disorders, or systemic diseases. These are a few of the causes of dark circles under-eye which go unnoticed.
Anatomically deep-set eyes: These create a shadowing effect and produce tired looking eyes. Injecting fillers into the rear trough dramatically reduce dark circles and you can see an almost instant change in your appearance.
Genetic cause for dark circles: Simple superficial peeling agents (such as low strength TCA, arginine and lactic acid peels), Revlite laser toning and IPL photo facials can be done for puffy eyes treatment. A series of minimum 4 treatments 15 days apart can lighten the periorbital skin and reduce dark circles.
Age-related wrinkles and droopy eyes: Fractional CO2 laser resurfacing with the UltraPulse is done for this condition. The result is lighter, smoother, tighter and rejuvenated skin under the eyes. The results last for up to 2 years. Sometimes this alone is enough to treat dark circles or else a small amount of filler and toxin is required depending on your condition. Platelet Rich Plasma cellular therapy – which contains growth factors and helpful for skin remodelling and rejuvenation is also an effective treatment for dark circles.
Under-eye bags: Saggy skin and bulging fat under the eyes can make you look very tired. This happens with physiological aging. Energy-based devices can address this problem to some extent, but a consult with a plastic surgeon is the best option.
I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete
Morgan King
Before and After

FAQ's About Under-Eye Wrinkles & Dark Circles Treatment
Is laser treatment for dark circles safe?
Under Eye Dark Circle Treatment with Laser helps attain long-lasting effects. The treatment is given in a combination of peels, lasers, and fillers if required. UnlikeLaser Skin Resurfacing this Laser Treatment does not remove any skin so there is no recovery time & is very safe & effective.
Does chemical peel remove dark circles?
Can you use a TCA peel for under eye circles? TCA has been shown to help not only lighten dark circles but increase skin firmness, improve fine lines and minimize dark spots. Applying a peel is always an option, but you must exercise caution.
How do I get rid of dark circles permanently?
Natural healing advocates suggest mixing equal amounts of almond oil and vitamin E and then, just prior to bedtime, gently massaging the mixture into the dark circles. In the morning, wash the area with cold water. Repeat the process nightly until the dark circles disappear