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Aged neck

Treatment for neck wrinkles, neck tightening & sagging skin

Your neck muscles begin to enlarge and protrude as you age resulting in neck wrinkles and sagging skin. Sometimes, the neck can appear more wrinkled and saggy than the face. To treat aging skin on the skin, we use laser peels with a laser-assisted delivery of skin boosters to rejuvenate the skin. Fillers are also used to even out the deeper neck creases.

The best treatment for neck wrinkles, sagging skin, and aging neck

AHA and BHA peels are derived from fruits, dry fruits and nuts (almonds) or milk. These peels help in the overall rejuvenation of skin by exfoliating dead skin cells, unclogging the pores, and increasing cell turnover. Thus pigmentation is decreased, and remodelling by collagen regeneration occurs.

RevLite laser toning- This laser causes collagen fibers under the skin to vibrate, which in turn leads to a complete restructuring of the collagen network. Immediate results include tighter skin, narrower pores, fading dark spots and reduction of wrinkles.

ResurFX texture improvement- The Lumenis ResurFX treatment works with your skin to stimulate deep collagen regeneration over a sequence of treatments. Typically, about 3 sessions are needed to have visible improvement in the skin texture. But, already after the first treatment, you may notice changes in pores dimensions. Typically, results are achieved after 3-5 sessions in 4-5 weeks intervals. However, you may continue to see improvements for up to six months following the treatment.

UltraPulse CO2 fractional laser resurfacing- Ultra Pulse can penetrate deeper than any aesthetic ablative CO 2 laser. The main advantage of DeepFX and ActiveFX is that results are visible after one single treatment. As your skin heals following the treatment, you will begin to notice an improvement in neck wrinkles, fine lines, tone, and texture. Typically, you should expect to continue to see improvement for up to 18 months following the procedure.

IPL photo facials- Intense Pulse Light (IPL) of different wavelengths suitable to the patient’s skin type and the problem is used to treat superficial pigmentation, neck wrinkles, and sagging skin. 4 treatments at 15-day intervals are followed to get optimal results.

Restoring volume with fillers- Fillers are a natural hyaluronic acid which is injected at desired points, to give support to the ligaments by pulling up the structures attached to it. Fillers can be used to highlight certain features, restore the lost volume of the neck, accentuate the chin and reduce neck wrinkles.

Anti-aging skin treatment is the best treatment for sagging neck skin. It can help individuals with neck sagging but is more ideal for the early neck sagging experienced by people in their 40s and early 50s. This treatment is specifically intended to manage the hanging platysma muscle on the neck. It works by weakening the muscle, especially the hanging edges so that the muscle in the face can provide counter pull and lift the neck upward.

FAQ's About Aged Neck

How long does laser skin tightening last?

To see optimum results, clinicians recommend a course of approximately six treatments, every 3 months. Skin tightening will continue to work up to 12 weeks post-treatment, so the skin will continue to improve for a number of months once you’ve completed six sessions.

How long does laser neck lift last?

The results of a neck lift typically last 10 to 15 years and should be maintained every 1.5 years. Treatment results may vary based on an individual’s skin condition and how well he or she takes care of the skin after surgery.

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