Mon-Sat: 10am to 8pm

IPL Photo Facials

IPL Photo Facials

Bye – Bye Sun Damage, Hyperpigmentation, and More

IPL stands for Intense Pulse Light. It is not a laser but is still a powerful light source that is used for skin rejuvenation and has the ability to penetrate the skin with minimal skin damage. IPL photofacial, also known as photo-rejuvenation, is a treatment aimed at reversing sun damage, even-out facial color as well as improve tone and texture in the process. Like the laser, it works by filtering various wavelengths of light to react with specific skin conditions, effectively stimulating skin regeneration and increased collagen and elastin fiber production by gently injuring the deep layers of the skin while sparing damage to its outer layers, inducing a natural wound healing mechanism.

Benefits of IPL:

  • Tighten Pores
  • Minimize the impact of acne
  • Minimize the appearance of or eliminate sun spots and freckles
  • Reduce hyperpigmentation
  • Treat skin redness
  • Minimize the appearance of scars (acne, chickenpox, etc.)
  • Minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Reverse sun damage

Intense Pulse Light has different wavelengths to suit the patient’s skin type and the problem. IPL can be utilized to treat any area of the body. Usually, it is used to treat areas such as the face, neck, chest, and hands. Based upon the seriousness of the condition, a series of 3 to 6 treatments might be suggested.

Frequently Asked Questions about IPL

What are the side effects of IPL treatment?

Minor and temporary symptoms like redness and slight swelling of the skin may be experienced by a few. Typically, these effects are bearable, harmless and disappear within half an hour. In some uncommon and serious cases, reactions such as burning, blistering or scarring have been reported. These reactions are generally more common in patients with darker skin. However, following the pre and post-treatment instructions as provided will minimize the possibility of undesirable outcomes.

How long should you wait between IPL treatments?

Based on the area being treated and the severity of the problem, multiple treatment sessions may be recommended. 4 treatments at 15 day intervals are followed to get optimal results.

IPL Vs. Lasers. What is the difference?

IPL works on a broad scope of wavelengths than conventional lasers. IPL can treat more than one condition, utilizing special filters to leave undesirable wavelengths and keep just those required for the particular skin concern being tended to. IPL treatments can also prove to be less expensive, safer and gentler than traditional lasers. However, the results are not quite as dramatic. Hence, more repeat visits may be required to produce the desired results.