Mon-Sat: 10am to 8pm



As you age (as early as the late 20s), the natural loss of fat situated under the skin is inevitable. It forces your skin to lose its youthfulness. In your body exists a naturally occurring complex sugar called Hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is essential to render volume, structure, elasticity, and moisture to your skin. As you age, the presence of natural hyaluronic acid keeps diminishing causing the bones and muscles to change, impacting your facial features. The facial muscles are then working closer to the skin surface leading to signs of aging.fillers

Fillers are an effective method for restoring your natural facial contours. It gives you a refreshed and hydrated glow making you look and feel more confident. Fillers are natural hyaluronic acid which is injected at desired points, to give support to the ligaments by pulling up the structures attached to it. Just as important it is to improve the tone and texture of the skin for an aesthetic look, it’s equally or more important to restore the volume of your skin for facial balance. Thus, making Fillers our favorite procedure at The Skin Clinic.

Is age a criterion?

Yes. Preferably, fillers can be used from 21 up to 65 years, to highlight certain features, restore the lost volume in cheeks, set ‘tired‘ under eyes right, accentuate the chin, give lips a hydrated natural look, have a sharper jawline, and so much more.

Is it painful?

The syringes are preloaded with anesthetic, so the procedure causes minimal discomfort.

What happens to the skin immediately after injecting fillers?

You can see the lines, wrinkles, and furrows fade away almost instantly. The key is to fill just enough to give it a natural appearance. Right techniques, right injection points, and right depth are vital to give a natural aesthetic look.

How long do the fillers last?

The fillers used to rejuvenate the cheeks last for about 2 years, after which a repeat session is required. The fillers used to rejuvenate the under-eyes last for about 6-8 months. Fillers for different areas of the face last for varied time intervals because of their different tensile strengths.

How much do fillers cost?

This is best discussed with our dermatologist at The Skin Clinic.