Growing up, we have all seen how celebrities have their lips made plumper and eyebrows more lifted, and now everybody knows the secret behind their enhanced selfie look — It’s nothing but fillers.

With the increasing demand for a more chiseled look, the global dermal fillers market, valued at $5.73 billion in 2023, is projected to be more than double by 2031, reaching an impressive $13.12 billion! This proves that there’s a rapid increase in demand for non-surgical cosmetic treatments, especially dermal fillers.


The main reason for this boom is definitely the versatility of dermal fillers in delivering the most desirable look with a procedure as small as this. Whether you’re looking to achieve fuller, natural-looking lips, smooth out fine lines, or restore youthful volume to your face, dermal fillers have a solution for it all.

But before you feel tempted and consider dermal fillers, it’s vital to do your research about the treatment and the best practitioners available to execute this treatment for you.

Here’s a quick and simple guide we have curated for you about the science behind dermal fillers and useful insights to help you make an informed decision!

What Are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers are small injectable gels whose main function is to restore lost volume, smooth out wrinkles and enhance facial contours, providing a more youthful look.

Made of hyaluronic acid (HA), a naturally occurring substance in the skin, these fillers work by restoring the skin’s decreasing HA levels that gradually tend to decline with age. By retaining the hydration level of the skin, these fillers hydrate the skin while maintaining its volume, structure, and elasticity.

You can achieve a youthful and refreshed look in any facial area of yours, including, the eyes, cheeks, nose, mouth, jawline, and lips, all depending on the formulation!

Procedure and Safety of Dermal Fillers as Advised by Mangalore’s Expert Dermatologists:

  1. Procedure: The procedure for administering dermal fillers is straightforward and minimally invasive as compared to surgical procedures. This non-invasive nature of dermal fillers makes it a popular choice for those seeking aesthetic enhancements without the need for surgery.
    During this treatment, the filler, that comprises hyaluronic acid (HA), is injected into the specific target areas of the face using small-gauge needles or a blunt-tip cannula.
    This process is typically quicker and is often completed within a span of 30 minutes. The end result of which includes, restoring lost volume, smoothening out wrinkles, and enhancing facial contours.
  2. Safety Assured By Dermal Fillers:
  • Biocompatible and Safe: These hyaluronic-based fillers are composed of sterile, biodegradable, and non-pyrogenic substances, that are naturally occurring in the human body.
  • No Allergy Testing Needed: Since hyaluronic acid does not trigger an immune response, allergy skin testing is not required before treatment.
  • Minimal Risk Associated: The fillers are stable at room temperature and are considered one of the safest aesthetic solutions when used appropriately by a qualified professional practitioner.
  • Low Downtime: Most patients can continue performing their daily activities immediately after the treatment, with little to no downtime.

Also read: Why DIY Facial Can’t Replace Professionals Treatments?

Benefits and Risks Associated with Dermal Fillers

Key Benefits That Make Dermal Fillers Stand Out:

  • Non-Surgical: Provides a less invasive alternative to surgeries like facelifts and rhinoplasty.
  • Immediate Results: Smooth wrinkles and restored facial volume is often noticed right after your treatment is done
  • Reversible: The best part about this procedure is that it can be reversed if the need may arise. The fillers can be dissolved using hyaluronidase.
  • Long-Lasting: Results typically last 12-24 months and may stimulate collagen production.

Rare But Potential Risks Associated with Dermal Fillers:

  • Infection: Infections are often rare but possible, and on occurrence, it requires proper hygiene and consultation from qualified practitioners.
  • Lumpy Appearance: It may cause uneven texture like lumpiness, but it can be be corrected with expert advise.
  • Filler Migration: There could be a risk of the filler moving from the intended area if the treatment is not performed well.
  • Scarring: Potential scars may leave a mark, if the procedure is not performed correctly.
  • Blocked Blood Vessels: In some cases, serious risks can lead to tissue damage or, in extreme cases, it may also cause blindness.

Choose The Skin Clinic for Result-Oriented Dermal Filler Treatments

Choosing dermal fillers can be game-changing but what’s even more game-changing is choosing the right clinic that not only promises but also delivers beautiful results. At The Skin Clinic, we stick to our word of delivering exceptional, result-oriented dermal filler treatments!

That’s not it! We have our latest EXION FACE procedure that provides a needle-free approach to boosting hyaluronic acid and rejuvenating the skin. By providing Mechanical and Thermal Stimulation, EXION FACE effectively targets fibroblasts, enhancing the production of hyaluronic acid, elastin, and collagen.

It’s high time you achieved natural, youthful results without needles right here in Mangalore. Book your consultation today and see how our advanced treatments can help you look and feel your best!

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):

1. How do dermal fillers work?
Dermal fillers enhance the skin’s natural supply of hyaluronic acid, restoring volume and reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles. The soft injectable gel gives your face just the right balance of refreshed and smooth appearance, helping you achieve the youthful look you’ve always been desiring for.

2. What is the chemistry behind dermal fillers?
Dermal fillers are mainly composed of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body that retains moisture and adds volume to the skin. The gel helps provide a long-lasting plump and rejuvenated look to your skin.

3. What are the medical reasons for using dermal fillers?
The medical reasons for using dermal fillers by cosmetic surgeons is to combat signs of aging, such as reducing wrinkles, minimizing skin depressions, and softening scars. They are also extremely effective in restoring the lost facial volume in your face.

4. Why is it important to drink water after dermal filler treatment?
Drinking ample water after a dermal filler treatment helps maximize the results, as water supports the filler’s ability to maintain a plump in the treated area.

5. What can possibly go wrong with dermal fillers?
While dermal fillers are generally safe, potential complications like infection, lumps or uneven texture under the skin, filler migration from the intended area, and in rare yet extreme cases blocked blood vessels, can occur. This is why it’s recommended to consult a qualified professional to get this treatment done.

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