What is EMFACE and How Does it Work?

As the cosmetic industry continues to advance in various broad treatment techniques, EMFACE has grown to be seen as an innovative, non-surgical face treatment procedure. By incorporating the latest therapeutic techniques in aesthetic medicine, EMFACE treatment is a modern take on facial rejuvenation that does not involve surgery while delivering astounding outcomes.
In this blog, we will discuss what EMFACE is, its functionality, and whether, it is the solution to improve facial aesthetics.

What is EMFACE?

EMFACE is a modern facial treatment that is based on Radio Frequency ( RF ) and High Intensity Focused Electromagnetic energy. This two-step process of laser treatment allows for work on the top dermal layer and the subcutaneous muscular layer at the same time, making the rejuvenation process more holistic.
Unlike other facelift treatments or other surgeries that require surgery, the EMFACE procedure is non-surgical, which serves as an advantage for those who prefer minimal or no downtime in their beauty enhancements and those who want to look natural.

How Does EMFACE Work?

EMFACE works by combining two powerful technologies: RF and HIFEM. Here’s a detailed look at how does EMFACE work and how each component contributes to the treatment’s overall effectiveness.

1. Radiofrequency (RF) Energy

Mechanism: The RF energy that is used in this treatment penetrates into the dermal skin layers and helps in producing collagen and elastin. This has a positive effect on the skin as it gradually tightens the skin and smoothens its texture.
Benefits: The boost of collagen as well as elastin works to lessen the formation of creases, lines, and sagging to make the skin firm and elastic.

2. High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) Energy

Mechanism: HIFEM energy works at the muscle level, offering top contractions deep within the facial tissues. These contractions are even more powerful than those produced in a traditional process.
Benefits: HIFEM energy affects the facial muscular tissues, increasing their density and elasticity and thus improving the facial muscles and their positions.

The EMFACE Procedure

The EMFACE treatment is simple and typically involves the following steps:

Consultation: It is crucial to have a consultation meeting with a certified EMFACE practitioner before creating a treatment plan based on the patient’s goals and needs.
Preparation: The treatment area needs to be cleaned, and the patient should be at ease. In fact, it does not require any form of anaesthesia because it is not an invasive process.
Application: The EMFACE device is used on the facial areas that are considered to be specific to the procedure. The device produces both RF and HIFEM frequencies at the same time, affecting both the skin and muscles below it.
Duration: It consists of a 20-30-minute session, which means that the program can fit the people with the most demanding schedule.
Post-Treatment: The degree of downtime depends on the kind of power backup one has in place. Also, depending on the extent of the procedure. People can often go back to their normal daily routines right after the session.

Who is Eligible to Use the EMFACE?

EMFACE is ideal for individuals looking to address common signs of ageing, such as:
Sagging Skin: Sagging skin on the facial area particularly the jaw line, checks, and the neck area.
Wrinkles and Fine Lines: Wrinkles and fine lines near the eyebrow, eyes and lips areas of the face especially on the forehead, around the eyes, and the mouth.
Loss of Facial Volume: Sunken face features such as the cheeks or temples.
Weak Muscle Tone: Less focus on specific facial look/shape.

Aftercare and Maintenance

To maintain and enhance the results of EMFACE, consider the following tips:
Skincare Routine: Choose products that help the skin to produce more collagen and maintain moisture.
Healthy Lifestyle: Eat well, drink adequate water, avoid the sun and put on some sunscreen to protect your skin against the sun.
Follow-Up Sessions: This means that one can opt to perform maintenance sessions periodically to elongate the time taken before the results disappear.

EMFACE As a Technological Leap in Facial Rejuvenation

EMFACE is one of the latest and most promising solutions in the segment of facial aesthetic procedures without the need for surgery. It uses RF and HIFEM energies that create a synergistic effect for enhancing the elasticity and tone of facial muscles as well as the skin.
If you are considering the option to have a shine and a new look but do not wish to have surgery with all its consequences and possible side effects that are possible, you should try EMFACE. EMFACE is ready to change your appearance now! The Skin Clinic is here to assist you in your pursuit of a younger looking, glowing skin; do not wait to book your consultation now.

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